グラフィック・デザイナー 鈴木一誌の仕事
Works of Graphic Designer Hitoshi Suzuki
初出:「インクジェットの本流」展 エプサイト 2016年
『アイデアNo.379 ブック・デザイナー鈴木一誌の仕事』(誠文堂新光社)
鈴木一誌は装幀のみならず本文を含めた書物全体のデザインに関わりつづけるグラフィック・デザイナーだ。 杉浦康平事務所に12年間在籍した70年代の仕事から現在まで、その膨大なデザインの仕事と映画評論の源泉たる書籍に囲まれたアトリエをどう撮りきるかは難題だった。当初は〝一棚ずつ撮影し組み上げる〟いつもの方法で、実際すべての棚を一応取り終えてはいたものの、この空間に通い詰めればつめるほど場所の魅力をを棚の再現だけではまったく上手く行かないのだった。多視点をずっと標榜していたのに、一枚写真のほうがどうも効果的ではないかと思い悩んだが、魚眼レンズでは写真の意味を変えてしまうし、全体をカバー出来る広角もない。緻密さも大事で、中々見通しが立たなかった。結局「見る」という原点に戻ることにした。視点を定め、つまり自分は動かない場所をつくり、ぐるぐると見回す自分の視線を再現しようとした。またそれらの写真の断片の収集も、組み上げも機械的にするのではなく、歪むことにとらわれずに作り上げていった。それは空間を自分のものとするための実験と経験の所作であった。
Suzuki Hitoshi is a graphic designer who has been involved in the design of books, including both the cover and the content.
Capturing his studio surrounded by a vast collection of designed works and books that serve as a source for film criticism, from his work in the 1970s during his 12-year tenure at the Yasuhei Sugiura office to the present, proved to be a challenging task. Initially,
I attempted the usual method of "shooting and assembling one shelf at a time." Although I had technically captured all the shelves, the charm of the space became elusive, and the attempt to recreate it solely through the arrangement of shelves was not entirely successful.
Despite consistently advocating for a multi-perspective approach, I grappled with the idea that a single photograph might be more effective.
However, a fisheye lens altered the meaning of the photos, and there was no wide-angle lens capable of covering the entire space. Precision was crucial, and gaining a clear perspective was challenging.
In the end, I decided to return to the fundamental principle of "seeing." I fixed my viewpoint, creating a stationary position, and tried to replicate my own gaze as I looked around in circles.
The collection and assembly of these fragmented photographs were not mechanical but rather a process of creating without being constrained by distortion. It was an act of experimentation and experience to make the space truly one's own.
Hitoshi Suzuki, who had a significant influence on the culture and philosophy of graphic design and was also a sharp film critic, passed away on August 19, 2023, due to aspiration pneumonia.
idea アイデア379より、鈴木一誌の作品群